The Stories of Leslie Schmidt

My stories are about little girls and their loves (mostly). If you're looking for torture, sadomasochism, or anyone hurting little girls, you've come to the wrong place.

Story codes: Mg, Mgg, mg, Fg.


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A fellow is watching his girlfriend’s six year old when she calls him into her room. So, who’s molesting whom?

Angel Lips:

One of the ‘Angel’ series. Jenny learns that her mouth is for more than eating lunch.

Angel's Toy:

Jenny discovers a new toy to play with.

Baby Oil:

There’s lots of fun stuff to be found on the changing table!

Bath Time:

Doesn't everyone have pictures or videos of their little ones in the bath? Part 1 of 2.

Part 2

Bed Warmer:

A robber baron’s manservant leaves his master a nice surprise in his bedchamber.

Billy's Story:

A young man and his best friend are discovered enjoying some videos by his little sister. Then they convince her to make a solo movie of her own.

Prequel to 'Doyle's Story'


One of the ‘Angel’ series. Camping in a tent on a snowy night can really be kind of fun.

Client too Young:

One of the “Child Sex Therapist” stories. Our friend takes on a client that he really shouldn’t. Then, sometime later, he looses his professionalism when he meets her at the mall. Part 1 of 4.

Part 2 Part 3 Part 4


The Brothers Grimm never had it so good!

Cute Pussy:

A fellow discovers that his friend likes to share a lot more than a few brews.

Daddy-Daughter Nightclub:

A special place for daddy-daughter dates.


A little girl’s diary about her first boyfriend.

Disney Nights:

A trip to Disney World with the ‘Angel’.

Doyle's Story:

Doyle is asked to watch Billy’s little sister while Billy is at football practice. They watch some videos too.

Sequel to ‘Billy’s Story’. In order to fully enjoy this story, you should read 'Billy's Story' first.

First Kill:

Mystical creatures of the forest can be a real danger to unsuspecting woodsmen. (Not my usual lighthearted fare).

The Girl from DR:

Helping out an undocumented immigrant yields an unexpected reward.

Inside My Angel:
Angel learns how to really love her father.

Lethal Lolita:

There’s a lot more to this little girl than some guys expect—and they end up regretting it, for a very short time. Part 1 of 3.

Part 2 Part 3

Lethal Lolita Revisited:

Another encounter with Megan Massy—this time with a happy ending.

Los Angeles Thanksgiving:

Sequel to ‘Wisconsin Summer’ In order to fully enjoy this story, you should read 'Wisconsin Summer' first.

Loving Sarah:

Uncle Ted has a special relationship with his niece.

Morning Lesson:

The first of the “Child Sex Therapist” stories. A regular morning for our friend with the best job in the world. (This is an update of 'Afternoon Lesson' with some consistancy errors corrected.)

My Angel:

The first in the ‘Angel’ series.

My Brother's Child:

A fellow discovers that he and his brother have a lot in common.

My Sweetheart:

Another of the ‘Angel’ series.

Night Storms:

What could improve on a life spent bumming around the Caribbean on a sailboat? Part 1 of 3.

Part 2 Part 3

On the Interactions Between Teens and Tweens:

An, ahhh, scholarly article (?).

Onboard the Daisy:

Set in 1773 and 1774, these two letters between two young gentlemen tells the story of why one is being sent to India by his father and how his friend helps in a difficult situation. I was inspired by the first truely erotic English novel, "Fanny Hill", published in 1749 by John Cleland. The idea of writing in the 18th Century style was a challenge I couldn't pass up.
(This is my personal favorite of all my stories)

Pedophile's Dream-Prolog

Prolog to an entire series. The title says it all. Nine parts.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Epilogue

Pick Pocket:

Beware of pick pockets on the Rome underground.

Princess Hands:

Our 'Angel' learns something new.


Primitive cultures have some different ceremonies.

Roller Coaster Ride:

A co-worker asks a buddy to watch his ten year old for a few days. Part 1 of 3.

Part 2 Part 3

Seven Year Old Nympho:

Not too hard to figure out. This was my first story. Part 1 of 2.

Part 2


Don't you love to cuddle like spoons? In two episodes, set years apart. Part 1 of 2

Part 2:

Sri Lanken Lover:

An American businessman working in Colombo rescues a street urchin. Part 1 of 2.

Part 2

Stories of the Child Bride One:

In the future, marriage customs may be different.

Stories of the Child Bride Two:

In the past, marriage customs were different.

Subic Bay Memories:

The Navy--It's not just a job, it's an adventure!

Summer Musings:

An 'Angel' story. Jenny has grown up quite a bit--but not too much.

Tales for Rm 102:

What you'll see with hidden cameras.

Teaching Sadie to Jerk Off:

A sheltered child needs to learn some things about herself.

The Dream:

He thought it was just a great dream, until he woke up!

The Making of Night Storms:

They decided to make 'Night Storms' into a movie. Part 1 of 7.

Personally, I think this is my hottest story.

Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7

The Mask:

There's sometimes magic in those Marde Gras masks.

The Model:

A catalog photographer has a lot of fun when one of his clients has to stay over for the night.

The Orphanage:

Back in medieval times some monasteries and convents became quite independent.


Mommy leaves her little girl with her cousin.

Uncle Brian:

A girl helps out with her Daddy's business plans.

While Her Mom was Out:

A couple of truck drivers share.

White Stuff:

Fun on a hunting lease. One of my earliest stories.

Wisconsin Summer:

A teenager isn't too happy with the plans to spend the summer away from the coast in the heartland--until he meets his little cousin.

Prequel to 'Los Angeles Thanksgiving'

Night Storms Part I

by Leslie Schmidt

I had not seen Lessa since she was four. She is my niece and lives with my brother and his wife outside London. Her mother is a one-night fling who had left the memory of that night with my brother and disappeared. She is French. My brother had e-mailed me asking if I would take Lessa for the summer holidays. He was going to be traveling on business and his wife was not too hot on the idea of caring for her when her father was away. I live on a 43-foot sailboat, which I bum around on in the Caribbean. I consider myself a "Citizen of the World," keeping no fixed address and sailing where the sun shines. It was agreed that I would meet her in Kingston. She would spend a couple of months with me and then fly back to London in time for the new term.

She came out of Customs, escorted by a flight attendant. My first impression was that she was a cute girl. She was wearing an orange tee shirt, jeans, and sandals. Her dark brown and reddish hair was shoulder length; she was probably 4' 5", about 65 pounds. While she was not skinny, neither could you say she was fat. A well proportioned girl of 10. Her face was pretty, but I think most girls her ages are pretty-a prejudice of mine. After identifying myself to the attendant, she was released to me. She told me that she did not remember me. I think she was a little nervous, but she did a good job of covering it up. I put this down to her spending a lot of time in an English boarding school. Soon she proved to be quite assertive, not the kind of person to let herself be pushed around. Her accent was really cute and her manners excellent.

We took a cab from the airport to the waterfront. She had been sailing in England, so she was a little familiar with boats. I showed her around Magic, my boat, and then we walked to a nearby McDonald's for dinner. We returned to the boat and got underway, motoring out into the harbor to an anchorage. I told Lessa that we wouldn't be going anywhere for a few days as there was a hurricane moving into the Caribbean from the Atlantic. I assured her that the storm would not hit Jamaica but pass well south of the island. She asked if she could take a bath before bed. I laughed, telling her that there was no tub, but the shower was in the head. I showed her how to use it (and how to operate the marine toilet) and left her to take care of herself.

After a few minutes she came into the main cabin wrapped in a towel.

"Donny, I forgot a nightie. Do you have anything?"

I went to my cabin and got her an old tee shirt. She went back into the head and came out wearing it. She sat down and we talked some. She told me about her school and her half brother, Josh. He is my sister-in-law's son by an earlier marriage. He is four years older than she. They got along well, almost never fighting. She doesn't like her stepmother and was really quite pleased to be away for the summer, if she couldn't be with her dad. When she went into the galley for a coke, I noticed that there was no outline of panties under the shirt. My suspicions were confirmed when she bent over to get the coke out of the icebox and I got a good look at her butt. I was privately a little embarrassed, mainly because of my reaction to what I had seen. The knowledge that I was so close to a little girl, a naked little girl, made my pulse speed up. I had always found girls really attractive. In fact, I had always had to guard myself against doing anything I would later regret while my daughter was growing up. While I always had a very physical relationship with her, I had never crossed the line. We were still very close and she came to see me whenever she could, but college and work kept her busy. I made up Lessa's bed in the main cabin and then hit my rack in the aft cabin.

The next morning I got up and went forward to the galley. Lessa was still asleep. She had kicked off the covers and was lying on her belly. The shirt had ridden half way up her back. This was a really attractive picture. Her legs were apart, so her cunt lips could be seen down below her round butt. A little line of pink between her outer lips was her clit. I made coffee and then went into the cockpit to drink it. A few minutes later she came on deck and asked if she could have a cup. I was surprised that she drank coffee. When she came back with her cup, (milk and sugar) she sat across the cockpit from me. She pulled her knees up under her chin. This gave me a full view of her hairless pussy lips. I had trouble not staring. She had her knees together, so her lips peaked out from between her thighs, and her clit peaked out from her lips. Then the crack of her ass disappeared against the seat. She asked if she could swim, I said sure. Then she gave me the second big surprise of the morning when she pulled the tee shirt off and dove into the water, naked.

We spent that day seeing the sights of Kingston. I found it really enjoyable being with her. I had had so much fun raising my daughter and being with Lessa brought back a lot of memories. I really enjoy being around children, especially girls. I think I had a better time than she did.

The second night she was on board she came out from the shower naked. It was obvious that she had no compunction about being "seen". Because it was my habit to go naked whenever possible, I decided to follow my normal routine. I showered and then came out into the cabin in the altogether. She never even blushed, much less said anything. Obviously, nudity was normal to her.

Again, Lessa slept in the main cabin and I stayed in the aft cabin. There is a short passageway that runs forward along the port side from the aft cabin to the rest of the boat, the engine compartment being amidships. I sat up reading for a few minutes, drinking a beer. When nature called I went forward to the head. I was trying to be quiet so I wouldn't wake her up.

As I came around the corner I heard Lessa, I thought she might have been crying. I look around the bulkhead. From my vantagepoint, I could only see her legs. She was laying on her back, her legs were spread and her knees were slightly bent. She was moving them slowly. I leaned forward slightly and saw that she was masturbating. I could see her from the waist down; her head and chest were still hidden. Her hand was on her pussy, two of her fingers between her lips. She was quickly moving them in a circle, rubbing her clit. She humped into her hand, her breath in time with her humps. Her breathing became harder as she moved faster, the excitement building up inside her. I could see that she was beginning to sweat, her skin was shiny in the dim light of the cabin lamp she had asked me to leave on. Then she ran her middle finger into her preteen vagina and fingerfucked herself. She moved her finger in and out, pushing it deep into her, as deep as her finger would go. She was fingering her clit with her other hand, so both of her hands were busy. I couldn't believe what I was watching! The effect of this was awesome. My dick sprang up, aching for attention. I had a raging hard-on, not like any I had had for years. She continued masturbating, her movements becoming faster and faster until, with a moan, she came. She humped hard against her hands, shoving two fingers as deep into her cunt as far as they would go. She lay panting for a moment, then rolled onto her stomach. I crept back to my cabin and jerked off, blowing what seemed like a pint of sperm. Then I climbed through a hatch in the overhead onto deck and pissed over the side.

I sat down to rest and watched the lights of the city across the bay; my heart was still beating hard. I was suffering from a real case of lover's nuts! A couple of minutes later, Lessa came on deck. She stopped for a second when she saw me, but then she came up anyway. She sat down we watched the stars. We were silent. I'm sure that she didn't know that I had been watching her. After a few minutes she got up, kissed me on the cheek and went back below to bed.

We spent the next day at anchor and worked on the boat. There are always hundreds of little jobs to do around a boat, especially one that is lived upon and is sailed as much as Magic. I was really pleased at how she helped me. She is a smart girl and is good with her hands. She was also more than willing to help with some scraping and painting. Late in the afternoon, we put away the tools and went to get cleaned up. Magic had originally had two staterooms, one aft and one all the way forward. Because I live alone on the boat, I have converted the forward room into a workshop/stowage area. If I have guests, the dinette in the main cabin folds down into a double and a settee near the main hatch to the cockpit is also available. The settee serves as a pilot berth when I'm underway, allowing me a place just off the cockpit to sleep. This is where I had put Lessa the night before. We went forward to the shop to use thinner to clean brushes and smudges on ourselves and put the paint away. Lessa complained that her cloths were sticking to her with sweat and, stepping into main cabin pulled them off. Then she ran up on deck and I heard a splash. I stripped off and followed her up and jumped in after her. We swam around and splashed some for a few minutes. Then she swam over to the ladder that was installed on the stern and climbed out. I was at the bottom when she climbed out and I got an ample view of her pussy as she went up. She has thick pussy lips with a slit that extends up her front, not just a little slit down between her legs. Her clit just peeks out from between the lips. Simply, she has the most gorgeous pussy I have ever seen.

It was getting on towards evening and, while I prepared dinner, I turned on the weather radio. The reports were as I expected; the hurricane was going to pass well south of the island, but there were thunderstorms expected over night. I was glad that I had moved the boat to a secure anchorage, away from the dock.

We ate dinner and Lessa went into the head to shower. I called after her to be easy on the water. The tanks were full, but long showers would empty them fast. A few minutes later she came into the main cabin wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her hair. Again, I caught my breath at the sight of her glorious pre-pubescent body. Here was the best example of human beauty. Her black eyes were wide set above a small nose; she had a small mouth. As with many people of Celtic origin, her forehead is broad, her chin wasn't very prominent. She had a long neck and strong shoulders for a girl. As I said earlier, she was not small, but she was not fat either. Unfortunately, I suspect that she will grow up to be fat in middle age, but for now she has a full body, not skinny. Her nipples were just beginning to poke out, giving the promise of coming womanhood. Below her tummy and dimple of a navel, large pussy lips parted the inside of her thighs. If she stood straight, a glimmer of light could be seen from behind her. Again, my cock began to firm, as it did every time I saw her like this. Luckily, I was able to keep from getting a total hard-on. She seemed totally unconscious of my gaze and her effect on me as she combed out her hair. In the cabin light, the red highlights stood out.

After I had showered I took one more turn about the deck to satisfy myself that the boat was secure. As was my custom after dark, I was naked. The humid wind was comfortable. There were flashes of light from over the horizon. I went into the main cabin where Lessa slept and tucked her in before climbing into the double berth in the aft cabin.

Later that night a squall hit, the wind came up and little waves slapped against the side of the boat. In my sleep, I was aware of this, but nothing about the feel of the boat was enough to fully wake me. A little later, however, my sixth sense did alert me. I woke up to see Lessa standing in the doorway to my cabin, watching me.

"Is everything all right?" I asked.

"The lightening scares me." She said.

"You can lay down here, if you want." I said.

I pulled back the sheet to indicate that she could climb in with me and she came into my bunk. She scrunched around with her back to me and we fit like spoons, my back to the wall. I was naked and my cock was only a tee shirt's thickness away from her thighs. She wiggled against me and my cock swelled against her. I tried to move away and I tried to control my breathing which had become ragged. It turned me on so much to be this close to her, but I was afraid of what might happen if she felt my stiff member. I moved away from her, trying desperately to keep my cock under control.

Every time there was a flash of lightening, Lessa would tense up, it seemed that she was trying to make herself small and hide. As the storm passed, I could feel her relax, and she stretched out slightly. As she did this, she moved closer to me and my still enraged cock was up against her thigh. For and instant she held still, and then she seemed to relax totally and lay back against me, lying right against my hard tool. I felt embarrassed but I couldn't move as my back was against the aft bulkhead. I hoped that she did not understand what was going on in my head and in my loins.

Then she reached around behind her and slipped her hand around my cock. She slowly pulled, caressing the top of the head with the palm of her hand. I couldn't believe what was happening. From her gentle touch, it was obvious that she was practiced. She continued stroking me.

After a couple of minutes she said, "Would you rub me too, Donny?"

I slid my hand down between her thighs and then up to her mons, pushing the shirt up. She gave a little sigh and wrapped her leg over mine, spreading her legs for my probing hand. I slid one of my fingers up and down in her slit, feeling her clit harden. My cock was rock hard against her rear. She let go of my cock and held my hand harder against her pussy. I pushed my finger into her vagina, just up to the first knuckle. Her pussy felt tight, but my finger sled easily into her. As I caressed her pussy, she began to breathe deeply and started humping into my hand. After a few minutes I pushed her away and lay her on her back. I pulled the shirt off of her and gazed at her. In the dim light, I could see that her nipples had hardened and her pussy lips were swollen. Again I started fingering her pussy while she rubbed my cock, reaching across herself so she could use both hands. I leaned over and sucked gently on one of her nipples, then the other. While I knew that there was no way my 9-inch manhood could enter her ten-year-old pussy; I desperately wanted to rub her clit with my cock. I turned her so that we were again like spoons, but this time I slid my cock between her legs from behind. She reached down and grasped it, pulling it up against her pussy. She started humping back and forth so that the back of my cock rubbed against her clit. Her lips were spread apart; her dampness lubricated her movements. Meanwhile, she was holding on to the head of my cock with both hands, pulling and rubbing. I gently rubbed and pinched her nipples, which stood out from her chest like small strawberries. As her breath came in gasps and a little cry escaped from her mouth, I shot my load into her hands. My cum added to the wetness, making it smoother for her to rub her clit against me. She started humping faster, groaning quietly and building. She broke out in a sweat as her body shuddered in orgasm. I came for the second time in three minutes, my heart pounding in my throat. After this I used my shirt to wipe up the cum which had soaked her hands and pussy and we fell asleep as the last of the thunder faded into the night.

I woke up early the next morning, just as the sun was brightening the clouds on the eastern horizon. I went forward to the galley and made coffee, all the while with my head spinning. My feelings swung back and forth from elation to guilt to wonder to fear. I sat in the cockpit and contemplated what I should do next. The worst that could happen would be the embarrassment of a family rowe. I am American, the boat is in Jamaica, and the girl is French and lives in Britain. There were just too many conflicting laws involved for any legal problems. Also, I had had my nuts cut after my second kid was born-I was shooting blanks.

I heard Lessa moving around below, the door to the head closed, then opened. She came on deck carrying a cup of coffee. I still wasn't used to the idea of a child drinking coffee. She was still naked (so was I). She walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the lips. I reached up as she pulled away and grabbed her jaw. I pulled her face back to mine and we played the first game of tongue tag. Again, I was amazed at how so young a child could be so grown up.

After she had sat down and we had exchanged the usual "good mornings" we sat in silence for a few minutes. The pause was too much and I had to talk to her.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.


"Ah, are you alright?"

Lessa looked straight at me, "Everything's fine, Don."

"What do you feel about last night?"

"I really liked it. You made me feel so great. I've played like that with Josh, but you made me feel so much better than he does," she said.

"So you've done it with Josh?" It made me feel relieved that I wasn't the first to have contact with her. "What all have you done?"

"Nosey!" she giggled.

After some conversation and conjoling the whole story came out. One night she had gone into her brother's bedroom looking for something. Everyone had gone to bed; she had been reading in her room. She was surprised to see her brother lying in the closet. He had his penis out and was stroking it. It was the first time she had ever seen an erection. He hadn't heard her. He seemed to be looking through a crack in the wall. Lessa didn't know what to do, so she quickly left. As she passed the master bedroom, she heard her stepmother moaning while her father laughed quietly. The next day she checked out the closet and discovered that there was an opening into her parent's bedroom.

A couple of days later she became aware of the sounds of love making in her parent's room. She went down the hall and peeked into her brother's room. He was asleep, so she crept to the closet and peered through the crack in the wall. Her step mom was straddling her father's hips, slowly moving up and down. He was rubbing and kneading her breasts. She had her head thrown back; her blond hair fell down her back. After a few minutes she bent down and started rocking back and forth. Lessa could see his penis as she rocked forward. It disappeared as she rocked back. Her dad sucked on her tits. The rocking became faster and faster until they both gasped and collapsed.

Over the next few weeks, Lessa and Josh became regular spectators to their parent's lovemaking. Soon the exposure to the raw, live sex scenes lead to some exploring. It started when Lessa felt Josh's stiff penis against her while they lay together. She made some fun of him, embarrassing him about his normal reaction to the entertainment. A few days later she saw him masturbating when she came into the bathroom. He was cumming and his jiz was running down his dick and hand. He looked up with a shocked expression; she quickly closed the door and went down the hall.

The next time they lay together in the closet, she could tell he was excited but he was being very careful to hide it. As a joke she reached under him to touch it. To her surprise, he rolled on his side so she could feel it. They stopped and looked at each other. Then Josh gently pulled her hand to his penis. She grasped it but didn't know what to do. He showed her how to stroke it. After a few minutes he came, squirting cum on her nightgown. Over the next few days, before Josh left for boarding school, they "played together" a few times more. As far as I could tell, this play usually involved Lessa giving Josh a hand job while they watched their parents. Later she would masturbate by herself in her room.

That evening I sat up on deck until late. Lessa had gone to bed earlier. I was not sure about what had happened the night before. It was the most wonderful experience and felt so right, but this was my niece and she was just ten years old. I was afraid of what my brother would do if he found out, I was afraid of what she had awakened in me. After what she had told me, I knew that she didn't feel bad about it-in fact, she enjoyed it. But there was a difference between some sex play with her 14- year-old step brother and sex play with her 40-year-old uncle. When I went below I found her asleep in my bed, the picture of innocent childhood. I climbed in next to her and we slept well through the night.

I woke up alone. The sun was up and, through the porthole, I could see that it was another beautiful day in paradise. I lay back and savored the moment. Lessa came into the cabin; naked as the day she was born. Through the sheet, it must have been obvious that my cock was swollen, as it usually is in the morning. Lessa reached down and started stroking it through the sheets and gave me an incredible wet kiss. Next she pulled the sheets down and straddled me. She started rocking back and forth, using my rock hard member to rub her clit. I reached down and around her ass and started fingering her pussy hole. As she rocked up and down, I moved my middle finger in and out of her pussy. She kept up the frontage, her breath matching her rocking. It was really different to have such a light weight on me. I was so turned on by the feeling of her little body against mine. She rocked faster and faster as I started humping against her. Soon she grunted and caught her breath as she came. At the same time I shot my cum between us, on both our bellies. She rolled off me, laughing. She wiped the cum off with her belly and smeared it on my chest. Then she jumped up and ran out of the cabin. I heard a splash as she dove over the side for a swim.

Part II